2008년 4월 24일 목요일

Current Situation

With no doubts, majority of people know that some communist countries limit of what people read. For example, China (a long time ago) and North Korea are against some religions, so they banned some of the religious books like the Bible. I’m not sure if they burn them, but there are some serious consequences if you posses it, like in Fahrenheit 451. Some people might face death or severe punishment. This can relate to Montag who actually hid the book and almost got into trouble. With these unreasonable actions of banning books and limiting people’s will, countries are most likely to fail and corrupt. Without knowledge and help from other resources, how can a community survive? How would they know what is right and what is wrong in their lives? If you see North Korea, it is a perfect example because, they are trying so hard to isolate themselves and have a bravado that they will succeed without any advocacy. However, as time goes by, their reputation and dignity is going down below. This is because they don’t know the real world outside. They don’t know what can help them and know what life is really about. If they have some resources like books, they would gain more knowledge and realize that their actions are just stupid and filled with hubris. I have another thing that can relate to the book that is currently happening in this world. It doesn’t have to be about burning books, but the cause is very important. The cause of burning books is not clarified in this book, but the environment itself is so dependent on technologies. Mechanical hounds, electric-eyed snake, TV shows and more. It reflects on our daily lives where we are relying on Internet, TV shows and videogames so much that we do not care about reading books. Some people consider books as boring papers or a resource that can help them get better grades. Both of these problems can be resolved by believing of what is right and acting upon them. Are people telling you that books are bunch trash? Tell them that those trashes are going to be recycled and be in front of you. The more you try to get rid of them, the more will come up and affect you greatly. Investing more time of reading would be worth more than playing video games for 5 hours.

Climax - Fahrenheit 451

The climax of this novel was when Guy killed his boss, Betty. It was the climax not only because it resolved many problems, but also because it was the point where the main character couldn’t go back. How this all happened is, in the beginning, guy and Betty was first in the fire station, where Guy gave Betty the copy of the book he found; Betty throws it away, and that is when the alarm rings in the office. Betty and guy runs to the fire truck to go to the place where the alarm went on. When they arrive, Guy finds out that it is his own house. Then he sees his wife running away. At that moment, Betty tells Guy to burn his own house since it is him who started all this. Guy does it, and when he comes back, Betty is there waiting, to arrest him. While that goes on, Betty goes on by telling some quotes from books. Suddenly, Guy just bursts his flame thing to Betty, and runs away.
What this whole scene is showing, is the choice that Guy has made. Until this part, Guy was a bit in the middle not really knowing what to do with the problems he has with the fact that he wasn’t finding the real happiness. But in this scene, it is clearly shown that Guy is now willing to sacrifice his job, his wife, his house, and his life to find out what actually is going on, and the way to gain his true happiness.
When this climax took place, I was feeling well, telling to guy that “you’re the man!” it truly was a hard choice to make. To throw everything away to go to a path that is very dangerous and has no clear end. But in the other hand, when I thought about it, I found something a bit weird about Betty. When he was arresting Guy, he was blurting out quotes from the books. When he is a fire man, and the Captain of the fire man, how would he know that much information from the book? Was he also one of the guys who were trying to save the books? Well, it was very questionable.
So anyways, it was a clear Climax where many problems were solved, and where the point of no return was taken place.

Mood - Fahrenheit 451

The mood is how the author shows the story and how the reader feels during reading the story. For me, I felt quite happy in the beginning when it said about a place without book, well because I do not have that much interest in reading books. But as I read through the story and also thought about what would it be like to live a world like that, suddenly a sad mood came in. the trigger was the death. While the story was presented, there were a lot of death or attempts of deaths, such as that the Old Woman was burned, Mildred attempted suicide, Clarisse died, Mildred betraying Guy, and so on. Just like other readers, it was a very sad moment for me also.
The most suspenseful part in the book was when Betty was in Guy’s house, and when Guy found out that the alarm was coming from his own house. In the first part, it was very suspenseful because of the fact that it was just after Mildred, Guy’s wife found out about the book that he hid, and was just about to say something to Betty who was visiting Guy, worried about the incidence that happened during the work today, where the lady with the book burnt herself with the books. The part where Guy found out that the alarm was from his house was suspenseful also, because as a reader, I already knew everything, also that there was suppose to be a book in Guy’s house. I was also quite mad when I figured that it was Mildred, Guy’s wife who told the firemen about the books.
Well, so, this book is full of suspense and thrill, just like the movie SAW. This help the readers to read and stay focused on the book. For me, I enjoyed this book a lot.

2008년 4월 16일 수요일

Significant and meaningful Passage

Beatty, smelling of the wind through which he had rushed, was at Montag’s elbow. “All right, Montag.”The men ran like cripples in their clumsy boots, as quietly as spiders.At last Montag raised his eyes and turned.Beatty was watching his face.“Something the matter Montag?”“Why” said Montag slowly, “we’ve stopped in front of my house.” (pg.110)

This passage is the most significant and meaningful passage for me, because of mainly two reasons: the atmosphere of the whole scene, and how it relates to my real life story. First with the atmosphere, the part I liked was the scary, thrilling, and suspenseful feelings that I’ve felt while reading this passage. It was quite amazing. Maybe the reason was because of me who was so in to the book, (that doesn't happen that often. well... in about several books including "Harry Potter") but it was also because of just the scene and how the story was going on. In this part, it was where Montag was feeling very scared and somewhat suspense because of the guilt he had. So, for me, as a reader who really got into the book and feeling the similar feeling that the main character Montag was feeling, was also feeling guilty and scared. I think I could say that this part was the most suspenseful part in the whole book in the story, excluding the climax where somebody dies. Well anyways, that was my first reason why this passage was most Significant and meaningful to me.The second reason, how it relates to my real life is that, even though it is nothing really to say proudly with, I've also been in many situations like that. For an example, (Please don't tell this to my parents) there was a time where my parents didn't give me enough allowance for me to spend a week. So, what I did was, to fill up my wallet and have a wealthy week, I decided to steal money from my mom's purse. It was quite easy doing it, but the problem was AFTER the stealing. It was like everyone was looking at me because of the thing that I've done. When ever I heard a similar pronunciation with my name or when ever my mom took her purse out, my heart felt like dropping. Later on, I really couldn't handle it well and after it got to a point when I really couldn't sleep well thinking of it, I just put the same amount of money back in my mom's purse. After that, I'm feeling fine. Well, with the experience that I've already have, I felt a connection and knew exactly what Montag and the author was trying to show in this scene. And that was my second and last reason why I thought that this passage was the most significant and meaningful passage to me.