2008년 4월 16일 수요일

Significant and meaningful Passage

Beatty, smelling of the wind through which he had rushed, was at Montag’s elbow. “All right, Montag.”The men ran like cripples in their clumsy boots, as quietly as spiders.At last Montag raised his eyes and turned.Beatty was watching his face.“Something the matter Montag?”“Why” said Montag slowly, “we’ve stopped in front of my house.” (pg.110)

This passage is the most significant and meaningful passage for me, because of mainly two reasons: the atmosphere of the whole scene, and how it relates to my real life story. First with the atmosphere, the part I liked was the scary, thrilling, and suspenseful feelings that I’ve felt while reading this passage. It was quite amazing. Maybe the reason was because of me who was so in to the book, (that doesn't happen that often. well... in about several books including "Harry Potter") but it was also because of just the scene and how the story was going on. In this part, it was where Montag was feeling very scared and somewhat suspense because of the guilt he had. So, for me, as a reader who really got into the book and feeling the similar feeling that the main character Montag was feeling, was also feeling guilty and scared. I think I could say that this part was the most suspenseful part in the whole book in the story, excluding the climax where somebody dies. Well anyways, that was my first reason why this passage was most Significant and meaningful to me.The second reason, how it relates to my real life is that, even though it is nothing really to say proudly with, I've also been in many situations like that. For an example, (Please don't tell this to my parents) there was a time where my parents didn't give me enough allowance for me to spend a week. So, what I did was, to fill up my wallet and have a wealthy week, I decided to steal money from my mom's purse. It was quite easy doing it, but the problem was AFTER the stealing. It was like everyone was looking at me because of the thing that I've done. When ever I heard a similar pronunciation with my name or when ever my mom took her purse out, my heart felt like dropping. Later on, I really couldn't handle it well and after it got to a point when I really couldn't sleep well thinking of it, I just put the same amount of money back in my mom's purse. After that, I'm feeling fine. Well, with the experience that I've already have, I felt a connection and knew exactly what Montag and the author was trying to show in this scene. And that was my second and last reason why I thought that this passage was the most significant and meaningful passage to me.

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