2008년 3월 9일 일요일

Lord of the Flies : Current Situations

Some extreme examples in the world would be children who deals drugs, or holds gun like AK-47, and goes out to war. These boys do these things, not really knowing what they are actually doing. In other words, they do not know how terrifying killing others is, but they only know the happiness of winning the war. In many rural places, children are treated as a soldier, killing and shooting at the opponent. The lack of rules and education brings this result, eventually leading the kids to a one way road to the cliff. How they act right know is just like the jungles where only power and instinct is the rule, which isn’t true.
William Golding sheds light on these situations and tells us the solution to these problems, which is guidance and rule. Children showed in the novel became wild and violent because of lack of rule and forgetting about the civilized rules. Well, the solution for this problem will be making an educational center where children can learn and have better knowledge of the rules and logic. With knowledge, children will know what is right or wrong, what should be done or undone, helping themselves living in the civilized world.
I wish when people read this novel, they find out what is wrong with the world these days, and help the unhelped, making a better world for not only them, but everyone.

3 개의 댓글:

익명 :

I agree with what you have said in this answer. Yes, some young people – African children soldiers, for example, like this picture – does illegal things without caring, knowing, or thinking. Drug dealing, murdering the innocents…they are apparently breaking the rules of civilization and society. For them, only power and brutality is the way to win the ‘battle’ of life. Civilization, love, humanity; they are all forgotten in their lives now. They cannot classify between what should be done and what shouldn’t be done. Justice is a mere word in front of them. They are just like the stranded boys in Lord of the Flies.

William Golding, the author of this book, tells us to think for the solutions for these events. We know what’s going on the world exactly, but we do nothing. We may feel sorry for those who cannot control themselves (ex: African children soldiers), but all we do is sighing and being depressed. We must think of solutions and see what we can do for them, just like you said.

I really liked your answer to this question. It showed the world’s situation while also giving examples about the solutions to these events. :)

t.mid :

This is nice, man. I thought about writing about this, but it was too boring for me to write about, so I wrote about peoples' personal lives instead.

But you did this, and not only did you find an on-going situation happening in the here and now, but you also described a solution to these problems.

The only problem is, you need to describe more in depth of what the world can do to end this problem. Yeah, we gotta make schools, but how are we going to make schools. Start a fundraiser? Send around a petition for the gov't. You gotta think out of the box man, don't just answer the question on the assignmtent sheet, write down what's swarming through your head as you're answering these questions.

But overall, you assessed this situation very well. Great job, man.

James Kang :

Wow good connection JUN!
I haven't thought about the direct connection through children in the novel and today's world. Your comparison of Ralph's law and education also fit in nicely. The novel gave me a sense that innocence can be taken away due to lack of knowledge & realization. It's sad that kids that are no different from you and me are having to commit murder. All I can say is that you've made a sharp connection and that we're very fortunate for what we've got.