2008년 3월 9일 일요일

Lord of the Flies : Main Characters

There are many main characters in this novel. They are Jack, Ralph, Piggy, Sam & Erick, and Simon. There were some other characters in the story but I didn’t think they were really main characters, so I’ll just be skimming over them. Well first with Jack, he is very strong and stubborn. He wants the place of the leader, and he gains it. He was also the first one to become “evil” to move out the group of kids in from the crew that they first had. The next character is Ralph. He is the one who became the leader in the beginning. He is also the one who isn’t strong, but who is smart and has warm heart. Ralph looks at the situations more logically knowing what to do, but because lack of power, not many kids follows his lead. Piggy is a very smart kid, but because of asthma and his fat appearance he is not respected by others. Sam & Erick are two kids who are brothers. They follows Ralph, until they becomes tortured by Jack and his group. The novel doesn’t really show that much about them, but I’m assuming that they are weak, easily manipulated by their relationship. Lastly, Simon is the kind one. He most of the time thinks about everybody else, but eventually dies by the people who he tried to save, and gave love to. It is such an irony.
So throughout these characters, my favorite I think is Jack, the one who looks at the circumstance logically. Even though he lost power in the end, but I really liked about his friendship with others, and the humanness that he showed by trying to revenge for his friend, Piggy.
All of these main characters are special in the way that they show parts of humanity in them, rather it is good or bad. Jack, the strong and leading one, shows the human nature, the desire of power. He showed how much he wanted the leadership of the group and then again, shows the desire by going out of the group with all his followers, and becoming the leader in another place. Ralph shows the leadership that human has and the last logical thought human has in them. Even though everyone else becomes wild and turns to their natural instinct instead of their head, Ralph thinks logical and tries to turn the problem right. But because of lack of power and people, he becomes lonely. Lonliness weakens Ralph and eventually makes him to run away from others not knowing the reason why. Piggy shows the reaction of human when we are in such a situation where everything is so different. We all start to panic and worry about everything, just like Piggy did. Sam & Erik also show the weakness of humans. Even though they stayed with Ralph until the end, with the peer pressure and torture, they went into Jack’s group. Lastly, Simon shows the better part of humanity, which is friendship. He worries about his friends all the time, and tries to relive others from the scariness toward the mysterious creature.

2 개의 댓글:

Gina L :

I do agree that Jack was a strong leader who convinced everyone to be on his side. However, breaking promises, murdering, not accomplishing duties, and abusing science are not considered as charismatic nor heroic. Although he succeeded in gaining interests from others, he failed to serve as a roll model. I think he misused his power and authority. He rebelled to the group because he was jealous at Ralph being the leader at first and that is how he came to power. Showing desire is a positive thing, however, in this case, he abused the desire.

theoLogy//T-0 :

I think you messed up Jun ahahaha. I think you meant RALPH when you were talking about Jack, because Jack never wanted revenge for Piggy. In fact Piggy was never his friend. Anyways, that is not why I came to your blog. To me I think that Piggy is the true leader. He is the one who came up with intelligent ideas to hold the group together. He was the one who told Ralph what to do, because noone would listen to his chubby belly. To me I think that Jack represents savagery not leadership. Anyways nice job on this entry and have a NICE DAY:)